Affiliate membership is available to any person, firm, company or corporation involved directly or indirectly with the Fruit and Vegetable lndustries including, but not limited to, Crate exchanges, Transporters, Growers, Retailers and consultants to the industries.

HPS Transport
Contact: Ivor Mofflin
Address: MP 67, Market City, 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155
Phone: (08) 9456 0779
Fax: (08) 9456 0799

Okey Dokey Produce Pty Ltd
Contact: R. Bloomfield
Address: MP 7, Market City, 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155
Phone: (08) 9455 2436
Fax: (08) 9455 2448