Market West is owned by The Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries in Western Australia and is a member organisation.
The membership consists of fruit and vegetable wholesalers and other associated businesses operating within the Perth Markets in Canning Vale, Western Australia.
Market West is managed by an executive committee who by right of their position become a director of the Market West Credit Service.
Role of Market West
Market West makes representation to state and federal governments and other key parties in order to achieve favourable outcomes for its members and the industry as a whole. Market West provides various services to its members and also undertakes promotional activities on behalf of the fresh fruit and vegetable industries.
Market West’s role in the market place is:
- To support and protect the interests of trade of wholesalers, buyers and growers in the market and protect the interests of any person engaged therein.
- To improve the skills and knowledge of persons engaged in the market as well as repress business practices contrary to the aims of the business.
- To collect and record information or statistics useful or valuable to members from all practical sources and keep members informed on matters affecting or material to, the Fruit and Vegetable Industries or their development and to establish libraries and books of reference and to supply any available information to the members.
- To procure information for Members as to the standing and responsibility of persons with whom they propose to transact business.
- To make representation to the Government or any other duly constituted authorities in respect of any existing, future or proposed Act or Regulation governing fruit and/or vegetables or otherwise affecting the business of Members with power to the use the funds of Market West for the purpose of testing the validity of any such actual or proposed Act or Regulation.
- To act as an advisory body and representative of the Fruit and Vegetable Industries in all matters affecting the fruit and vegetable trade.
- To encourage co-operation with growers’ associations and other bodies concerned in the Fruit and Vegetable Industries in any endeavour to promote satisfactory relationships.
- To communicate with and collaborate with Chamber of Commerce, Mercantile and Public Bodies Growers’ organizations, other equivalent State Chambers and Fresh Markets Australia.
Please contact us for further information.
Executive Committee

Claudia Cunningham

James Ryan
Vice President
Perfection Fresh

Frankie Galati
Galati Group

Paul Harvey
4 Ways Fresh

William Connor
Fresh Express Produce

Chris Tracy
Produce Brokers WA
Our Mission
Market West will work with strategic industry partners to grow the fresh produce wholesale industry. Market West will actively represent the common interests of its members at a state and national level and improve the business performance of its members by providing leadership in information and technology development, communication, financial management and promotion.
Our Staff

Rodney McPherson
Chief Executive Officer

Inci Humberstone
Member Services Manager / Retailer Program Manager

Dana Leppard
Senior Credit Officer

Michelle Pascoe
Senior Credit Officer

Lynaire Ragg
Senior Accounts Officer